Finally, turn spirit weapons occur between QL 100 and 300, with the QL 300 weapon having a different name from the QL 100-299 weapon. 6 Psychic 6.1 Psychic buff nanos 6.2 Psychic buff items Strength A character's strength represents how much physical force they can exert, conversely it is used as a basis for many melee weapon skills and as a basis for many types of heavy armor. For instance, the Engineer pistol does not need a grey glpyh, whereas adding a turn spirit to an upgraded bow with special attacks will result in a Meta-Physicist bow will with the special attack removed. Some turn spirit weapons do not have special attacks. Turn spirits cannot be added to any upgraded Inamorata/Sacrosanct weapon but rather only the weapons with the specific upgrades listed below. Some of the clan weapons are named "Sacrosanct" (no 'n') while others are named "Sancrosanct". Some things to remember: Inamorata weapons are for the Omni faction and Sacrosant weapons are for Clan. The following tables show the various turn spirit weapons organized by profession and then by faction (use the Table of Contents at the top of the page to jump to your profession). The QL will not bump if you have high tradeskills or add a significantly higher QL turn spirit. The final QL of the weapon depends on the QL of the original Sacrosanct or Inamorata weapon.

For example, a Q元00 weapon will need a turn spirit that is QL 240 or higher. The turn spirit needs to be at least 80% of the QL of the weapon. The Grey Glyph's QL does not matter you may add a QL 100 Grey Glyph to a QL 300 weapon. The process requires 6 X QL of the weapon in Weapon Smithing, 5 X QL of the weapon in Electral Engineering, 4 X QL of the weapon in Field Quantum Physics when adding the grey glyphs to the Sacrosanct/Inamorata weapons, but the final step of adding the turn spirit to the weapon requires no tradeskills. Therefore, after you get your favorite tradeskiller to combine the grey glyph and the base weapon for you, make sure you add the turn spirit to the weapon yourself. The final step of the tradeskill process makes the weapon NODROP.